A review by judyapneeb
I Wish I Was Like You by S.P. Miskowski


I have a strange love affair with Seattle. I grew up north of Seattle throughout the 80s and early 90s. I was too young to attend the punk and grunge scenes that emerged in the late 80s and too old to understand what Seattle was becoming in the early 2000s. I am a person in which I missed a generational shift, feeling lost in the middle.

This book speaks to a lot of what I saw in the background, a dirtier Seattle than what we see now in light of Amazon's takeover of the city. This isn't a pretty novel and it was a rough read - I admit that I browsed some of the pages since I wasn't in the mindset for some of the darker tones. Miskowski is describing a Seattle that was and will never be again. I mourn what she describes, which is probably why it took so long for me to get through what I read.

I recognize that many of us read to escape. What Miskowski has created will not be palatable for many and that is okay. I would highly suggest this book for those who are looking to explore the grim reality we all face in our everyday experiences. It's darkly amusing but heartbreaking as well. Greta isn't a likeable character but she's interesting and she's something we could easily become.