A review by bev_reads_mysteries
The Blank Wall/Death in the Wrong Room/Search for a Scientist by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding


The Blank Wall: I simply could not finish this novel. I have read a few of Holding's previous works and, while I did finish those, I really didn't enjoy her style. I'm not a big fan of psychological suspense and common life dramatic suspense and she really overdoes it, in my opinion. In this one we have this middle-aged woman who is agonizing over her daughter's friendship with an unsuitable man. And agonizing and agonizing. Then she gets mixed up with an unsuitable man....and I assume all sorts of unsuitable things happen, including murder since this is a crime novel after all, but I really don't know because I stopped reading. Holding just didn't make me care about her characters and what was happening with them.

Death in the Wrong Room: Please see review HERE.

Search for a Scientist: Please see review HERE.