A review by abrswf
After Anatevka: Live by Alexandra Silber


This is a short program revolving around Silber's book, After Anatevka, which she wrote while playing one of the daughter characters in Fiddler on the Roof. Apparently, After Anatevka aims to continue the story of Tevye's second daughter, Hodel, after the scene in FIddler when she leaves on the train with her radical non-believing husband, Perchik. This Audible production consists of Silber reading excerpts from her novel and some performances of songs from Fiddler and original songs based on Silber's novel. I love Fiddler on the Roof but admit to not being terribly curious about what happened to Hodel and Perchik. I might be more intrigued if After Anatevka sounded like a marvelous book, but the excerpts indicate awkward writing and fairly derivative fanfic. I will add I liked but did not love the songs in this production which are not from Fiddler itself. Two stars off because even this very short production felt much too long to me.