A review by allisonbraun
Enchanted to Meet You by Meg Cabot

Did not finish book. Stopped at 5%.
I was so excited for this book. I loved the Runaway series as a teenager and was looking forward to a cute witchy romance. The first thing I did not like was how the description describes her as plus size, but I looked past that since sometimes the authors don’t write those. Then, the third chapter went… I don’t even know. 

First, the fmc described her size as 5’9”, 200 lbs, which is not necessarily plus size. 

Second, it casually mentioned having no self control with candy. 
Since there was no place to put the lacy bralettes, however, due to the piles of other merchandise, not to mention the bags of candy I'd bought (
and already begun snacking on
) to give out during the Post Road's Halloween Trick-or-Treating, I could only set them on the desk in front of me...

Third, the fmc just started annoying me because she would not even give the mmc a breath to explain/introduce himself. And normally, I can stand it as I like cheesy rom coms. But she barely even got this guy’s name.

Fourth, he used a spell to calm her down by touching her without consent. Which was necessary because she would not stop talking. But still.
The leather of his motorcycle jacket creaking, Derrick
reached across my desk and laid a hand upon my shoulder. "I said, sit down, please."

Instantly, a fizzy sort of ... lightness came over me. That's the only way I could describe it. It started where his hand touched my shoulder, then traveled down my arm to the tips of my fingers until it enveloped my entire body, robbing me of the tiredness I'd felt all day. Not only my tiredness, but the soreness I'd been feeling in my knuckles from sewing half the night, and my feet from being on them all day, hand selling dresses for the ball.

Instead, a delicious warmth descended upon me, as if I'd been wrapped in a blanket made of the golden autumn sunlight outside.

Even when he drew away his hand—which he did almost immediately-the light, warm feeling stayed with me, and the pain didn't return. I felt... well, good.

Even when he drew away his hand—which he did almost immediately-the light, warm feeling stayed with me, and the pain didn't return. I felt... well, good.

And finally, the casual mentioning of binge eating disorder.
I felt an endorphin rush as strong as if I'd just eaten a bag of chocolate bars, only without the bloating and regret.

If anyone has read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it, please let me know. I really tried to give this book a fair shot as I don’t like to dnf books. It really felt like Meg Cabot was really out of touch writing this one. None of the trigger warnings including anything related to fat phobia or bed. Does the fat phobia go away later in the book?

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