A review by heathercorinne
Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison


This book came to me at the right time in my life where I have been seeking therapy for binge eating disorder and challenging diet culture. It was so helpful to read facts about how diet culture and body prejudice originated and really drive home in my brain that if diets and weight loss actually worked, there would be higher than 5% success rate long term. Now every time I'm tempted to judge my body or others or hop on a new diet train, I remember all of the research I read and choose a healthier, more inclusive path.

There are so many highlights in my Kindle for this one, but here are two of my favorites that give you a glimpse into the book:

"If they put that effort and their brilliant design minds into helping diverse bodies become more able to experience the world, enhance health - all the things that weight loss is sold as the solution to - with the bodies that we have now that would truly revolutionize the health-care industry and our world" -p284

"The movement to dismantle diet culture is a movement for social justice, for equal rights, for people in bodies of all shapes and sizes. And this movement is one the right side of history, just like every other movement to end oppression and grant equal rights to people of diverse ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations and all the other identities that make up humanity's rich tapestry. The more we spread the anti-diet message, the better off everyone - in every kind of body - is going to be" -p284