A review by lauraanne9
Dirty Bastard by Jessica Clare


***ARC Provided by the Publisher via NetGalley***

3.5 Stars

I loved that Knox and Lexi are both different kinds of heroes/heroines. Romantic heroes are usually perfect, with no flaws and few quirks, they are the "ideal" of romantic heroes and heroines are thin, and pretty, and perfect.

Lexi is quirky. She is a yoga teacher, her studio isn't successful, she dresses in all black, is intentionally off putting to men, forgetful (at times and about certain important things)...oh, and she has a stalker.

Knox is a billionaire who still lives in a trailer and who thinks the fancy house his brother bought for his wife isn't really necessary.

So, together, they are an unlikely pair. And, they are perfect. And, Knox knows this. Lexi, well, she takes a little convincing, and an accidental pregnancy.

I loved how convinced he was that they were perfect for one another, and that he was pretty much willing to hang around until she figured it out. It takes her a bit, and it takes her realizing that Knox was serious about how he felt, for her to decide that maybe the billionaire in a trailer is her happily ever after.

I recommend this title.