A review by dirtydewey
Campy by Nora Phoenix, K.M. Neuhold


5 stars…
I really really enjoyed this one! Campy being “straight” is… interesting. As a bi person myself I was feeling a bit angry about the “I’m not gay” shit he was throwing around constantly but thank you Pixie! Love that boy. 

I’m not sure exactly how realistic it is that Jackson would come to LA and be a breakout star after one season but good for him. I’m so happy with the cowboy and who he was as a person. When he just decided he was done with everyone but campy I was sooooooo happy.

They talked very very little about Campy in the actual porn in this book (appreciated) and Jackson being so cool about it made me less worried about it.

2/5 on spice. 2/5 on kink. 1/5 on tears. Cheers to hoping Pixie and Bears book is not poly so I’ll actually read it 🏃‍♀️