A review by haletostilinski1
Imperial Stout by Layla Reyne


Cam and Nic's books, the couple I have been waiting for, are here! And the start of their story does NOT disappoint!


I saw that these two had chemistry in the third book, and wondered if we'd get a book for them - luckily we're getting a whole damn series :D

This series starts two weeks after where [b:Blended Whiskey|39308726|Blended Whiskey (Agents Irish and Whiskey, #4.5)|Layla Reyne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1521319792s/39308726.jpg|60902457] left off. Cam and Nic kiss, but stop there, and haven't kissed since.

But now they're working on a case together, and becomes more complicated than either was bargaining for.

And part of the case forces Cam to face parts of his past, the not so pleasant parts, and hints at a tragedy he might have gone through, while Nic's past literally comes back to haunt him - or well, it's more his estranged father's mess, but it starts to open parts of Nic's past he wants to stay buried.

But this starts their love story, and of course I LOVED it. Their chemistry...UGH their chemistry was off the charts. The UST was ached sooo good, that there were so many moments I wanted them to just go at it, but then also the wait was sooo damn good!

This starts with them working pretty closely together because Aiden and Jamie are on their honeymoon at the start (ashfkasfh I wish we could get a short story of their honeymoon!) but then they come back around halfway through or thereabouts and while we didn't really get much of any couple-y moments with them, just the fact that they're married and happy and in love made me giddy. I have a feeling these two will help Nic and Cam get their butts in gear at some point down the line, because they had to fight through shit for their happy ending too.

But anyway! The story was just so good. The case takes up a big portion of the story, but it was interesting and exciting and you were wondering who they could trust and who they couldn't and who was behind it all and why.

And when Cam has to go undercover, it's like - I knew he would never turn, like at all, but I still ended up worrying anyway, or more, worrying over what Cam would have to do going undercover. But there was some fun things that come out of Cam being undercover for Cam and Nic, so that was fun to read.

Danny and Mel make an appearance as well in this, and its always fun to see them.

Nic's boss, though...that dude is so shady, and a complete asshole. I wonder if he's hiding something and if he's gonna be a big factor in future stories...hmmm. Just know that this guy will piss you off a lot. He even ruins an operation they have by freaking out their informant and it all goes to shit because of him and then he has the GALL to blame Cam and Nic. UGH. He'll be fun to hate, that's for sure.

Also, since this is the start of their love story, it ends on a very tentative, barely there HFN. But so much shit happens that by the time the case is over they've barely started their relationship, so that's why it's so tentative. Also, these two are still hiding things from each other (obviously, as drawn as they are to each other, they don't quite trust each other enough for all the deep shit yet) and it ends on a "yay they're happy and together and starting something!" but also a "oh shit angst will happen for sureee, better be prepared."

But I'm not too worried because off of Reyne's stories have ended on a happy note, but I actually can't wait to go even further into Cam and Nic's relationship. They're just so interesting and hot and passionate together.

And they're definitely in the little family unit now of Aiden, Jamie, Mel and Danny. They've all become so close and trust each other so implicitly and it's wonderful. Having people like that in your life is a lucky thing to have, and I just love the close relationships they've all come to develop.

Also, the sex...it takes a bit for us to get it but when we do...whoo boy ;) was it hotttt. Needed a fan after.

I just love these two, I love this book and I'm hooked, ready for more of their story. HIGHLY recommend, especially if you loved the Irish and Whiskey series, because this story follows along the lines of that, and it has another couple to love and root for and go "hot damn!" when they get into bed together ;).

Loved this!! So much! Two enthusiastic thumbs up from me :D


***ARC generously provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.***