A review by sid15
Faithless by Skyler Mason


I don’t care what anyone says i love books with plots like these. However the way the author goes about it. Make or breaks the book. And imo it broke it. Basically the fmc cheated on him 8 years into marriage. Tells him then he starts to cheat on her for 15 years. And threatens to take everything away from her if she doesn’t stay in the marriage. The fmc decides enough is enough and divorces him.
My issue is that he has done more damage yet the whole book he was trying to forgive HER. Completely ignoring what he did. Here are some quotes.
“I didn’t sleep with anyone in our circle I would never do that to you”- bitch please.
When she asks for divorce he says “ alright Whitney” and when he finally seemed sad and I kinda felt bad for him. He went ahead and said let’s do marriage counseling. As if that will change the 15 years of cheating.
This one especially annoyed me “why can’t I forgive her?”
Please tell me he has a brain.
But like i said I enjoy books like theses. However I simply couldn’t because of how arrogant he was. Every time there moments I felt bad for him. He would say something stupid and ruin it. Every time he went one step forward and got closer to a character arc he would say something stupid and ruin it. I would like to see the fmc get with the lawyer. But as far as I know that won’t happen. 3 stars. You might think I am being generous. But I can admit I did read this book expecting a bit of it. I jdit also expected a character arc. But whatever.