A review by ibeforem
Bad Move by Linwood Barclay


I had a really hard time with this one. Basically, Zack Walker is a jerk. He's one of those guys who doesn't know when to stop, and his favorite thing to do is to try to teach his family a "lesson" when they are doing something he doesn't approve of (like leaving their backpack on the stairs, or their keys in the door). And when the constant lecturing falls on deaf ears, he sets up elaborate worst-case scenarios in order to bring them over to his side. Basically, this guy is my worst nightmare, and if he were my husband, he wouldn't be my husband for long.

So, I spent a good part of this book thinking "Do I really want to keep going with this?" There was a real snowball effect of bad decisions on Zack's part, which is also a thing that makes me feel uncomfortable. I was on the verge of giving it up when I went and read some reviews to see if it was worth continuing. What I found were a number of readers who also hated Zack, but said that the story pays off in the end. So I kept going.

EVENTUALLY, the story becomes less about Zack trying to teach everyone a lesson and more of a fun-ish caper as one lesson that he tries to teach his wife goes terribly wrong. The second half of the book was much better than the first, but I'm definitely on the fence about whether or not I'll continue with the series. Honestly, I'm thankful I've read other Linwood Barclay books, because if this had been my first, it would have also been my last.