A review by shellysbookcorner
Royally Endowed by Emma Chase


Logan has been assigned to watch Ellie as she is Princess Olivia's sister. There is an attraction there but they won't/can't act on it. The story jumps from months to year. I get why the author did it but it was hard for me to connect to the characters at first. Once they spent more time together I ended up loving them as a couple. Logan never thought he was good enough for Ellie and she made sure he knew what his worth was. There is one scene in the book that made me swoon and I knew Ellie was the perfect match for Logan. They balanced each other out and gave the other what they needed in life.

I also loved how we got to catch up with the other couples, especially my favorite couple Prince Nicholas and Princess Olivia. Nicholas just keeps getting better and I LOVE the love her has for Olivia. Henry is just as funny and charming as ever. This series has been one for the books! I loved the stories, the writing and the feel good feeling I have after reading these stories. Whenever I read these books it's like reuniting with old friends. I have read several books by Emma Chase and she definitely knows how to keep the reader entertained. I smiled, laughed, had my heart slightly broken and swooned all while reading this book. I love it when an author can make you feel a slew of emotions without it being too over the top.


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