A review by beckyrendon
Break Me by Meagan Brandy


Break my heart, Brayshaw

*You do not need to be a BrayGirl to appreciate, love, and devour Break Me but it certainly doesn't hurt!*

Break Me is Royce's story. Its always the broken, brooding, hiding ones that steal my heart. I have been waiting for Royce to get his girl. Boy is he in trouble!

With armor plating thicker than a money truck, Royce is finding his facade isn't impenetrable. A spritely little lady is finding all his cracks.

Their connection is beyond physical, beyond emotional, it's metaphysical. They may fight it, trust me he does, but there is no way around it. Destiny, fate- whatever you want to call it, these two are it.

Break Me, love me, and never leave me. I am a BrayGirl for life.