A review by librarycutie
The Acts Of Life by Kristin Mulligan


oh my god, my brain is spiraling! this was such a phenomenal story! i went in thinking it was a steamy romance but nah, NAH! Kristin delivered an incredible thriller with spicy sex woven in!


the entire time i was reading TAOL, I thought that Stella, the twin sister, was the psychopath because of how she always tried to sabotage Sam’s relationships and accomplishments and always wanted to be better than him, even when she ruined a relationship, someone’s career, and ultimately entire life. I feel bad for what happened to her in the end because i can’t imaging the pain when she realized she might’ve lost all that mattered to her and it wouldn’t have happened if she just stopped trying to control and sabotage his life.

Harper… Liz… Sophie….! This girl, she’s a bit sloppier than Joe from You but she’s not a murderer. She just wants revenge, and you know I can’t blame her. she’s not a bad person, she just was raised in a very terrible home and is pretty messed up from the trauma. She truly loves Sam and genuinely falls in love with him despite her master plan, she never wanted to hurt anyone, only Stella and Nathaniel’s relationship and careers, not physically. Which is why this is so interesting that that’s not what happened. She feels nothing when their outcome is unexpected, but still didn’t intend for it to happen.

The very end, I can’t too thinking about. Two people dead, one very close to Sam. Harper’s (and Stella’s) old boss sit behind Harper and in that moment I wonder what would happen next. If Sam finds out the truth about everything, I think he might lose it, I really do. And if he lives a happy ever after with Harper, it’s sick and twisted and dark but they both love each other. I don’t know what I would prefer to happen! It’s both a blessing and curse to have an open-ended epilogue like that. Kristin you knew what you were doing, very clever!!