A review by prisoner_of_books
The Sending by Isobelle Carmody


I thought this book was amazing and I need the next book now but I don’t have it!! However the reason this book didn’t make it to a 4/5 star rating was due to how long it was. There was so much repetition of things I already new like this book felt like a giant recap the only parts that were interesting were the start and ending and a few small parts in between. It took me a month to finish this book and it was because of the slow slow pace of their travels.

Yes it was very descriptive but I just felt like we didn’t need to know all those details and read a page about each hour of the journey especially when everything was just repeating what I already knew. The only thing that made me keep on reading this books was the fact that I had skipped ahead and found out something that made me not want to miss anything l.

Although when the drawn out journey isn’t included, this book was pretty good, Carmody was able to incorporate a lot of suspense into most parts of the book (mostly the start and ending) that led me to keep on reading.

Overall I do recommend this series however I will say to prepare yourself for a recap of everything you have learnt about Elspeth’s quest and a long and very descriptive journey.