A review by nancyboy
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson


this book might have been more useful when it was published and i know the author has since come out as trans so honestly i don't believe she really even believes what she wrote because a lot of it is quite transphobic. you could say it was a product of its time but i came out as trans a year after this book was published and thus started to learn about transgenderism from transgender people and let me tell you, it was defs not want this book has written in it. I will give her credit for having a lot of lgbt voice in this book, but how she talks about a lot of topics is really kind of strange and i don't think at the time she really understood identities outside her own (which was a cis gay men when she wrote it). so even if the people she quoted were right, whatever she said was kind of strange and really didn't feel welcoming. she keeps referring to sex as sexyfuntimes it was so werid. it has a lot of that energy through out. the book its so strange to read tbh

the reason why i give it one star is that i really dont recommend this book for young lgbt people or even people who just want to learn more about being lgbt because there are so many better books since such as Here and Queer by Rowan Ellis or The ABC's of LGBT+ by Ash Hardell (the author has since changed their name since publishing the book) are excellent books. i see this book a lot in libraries and book stores, its commonly one of the few gay books at a book store (maybe this is just australia but what i mean is i see it a lot and have over the years) and i just can't recommend it in its current state.

im sure this book has helped many people, its has some useful things, but it really only seems helpful if you're a gay man and also more useful if you're cis and white too, and im not saying gay men dont need help or information about their community, they do! but the lgbt is a lot border and this book is meant to include us all and thats why i hold it to that standard.

but i am really interested to read juno dawson other work, she seems cool and i assume has grown a lot in the years. I know she has written What The T, kinda the trans version of this book this year and i hope it is much better lol