A review by exurbanis
The Last Detective by Peter Lovesey


This was published in 1991 when computers had been in the general work force about 15 years but were not nearly as developed as today. Peter Diamond is the ‘last detective’ because he still insists that leg-work, and not computers, is what will solve a case.

I like Peter Diamond and enjoyed seeing him rely on the ‘old’ methods of detecting, while not completely ignoring the advantages of computer technology. This had a good mystery, with lots of dry humour.

By degrees, the pain spread and became less intense. Diamond opened his eyes. They watered copiously. Just as well, he told himself grimly, because he doubted whether the organ intended for watering would ever function again.

I do intend to carry on with this series. A big thank you to Cathy at Kittling: Books for bringing Lovesey— & Diamond—to my attention.