A review by starburst3625
The Paris Soulmate by Brooke Gilbert


This book packed an emotional punch for sure. It’s still a cute romance, but as an individual with a chronic and debilitating autoimmune condition (and fear of travelling with said condition), this story hit home hard. I found Christine’s feelings and fears very relatable. It made me glad that my condition developed after I was married to my “one”. It would be so difficult to date with such medical challenges. The romance and chemistry in this story is beautifully done and there are some pretty great kisses. There is some bed sharing but no sex. There are fun and funny moments in the midst of the emotional and romantic. And a great tour of Paris sites, which was interesting to read. The characters were very engaging. I will admit that I did not at all expect the big surprise (which is revealed early). The dual POV was pretty essential for the story. It did feel a little strange that Christine’s POV was first person, while Colin’s POV was third person, but I can see how it worked for the story overall and kept the reader very engaged emotional with Christine, so it didn’t detract from my enjoyment at all. This was a really wonderful story and I recommend it.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.