A review by dragonlilly
The Brilliant Abyss: Exploring the Majestic Hidden Life of the Deep Ocean, and the Looming Threat That Imperils It by Helen Scales

informative reflective medium-paced


This was a relevant and informative book about the deep sea, the organisms within and that interact with it and their unique biology, the deep's topography, humanity, and how all three of these things interact with one another and have an important impact on each other. By damaging and exploiting the deep sea and the things within it, we inadvertently affect ourselves as well, possibly losing out on potential benefits the deep sea can provide us if we keep it safe, and utilize these benefits carefully and with intention. One of the thing Helen Scales discusses that most interested me was how some research into deep sea organisms has revealed the potential to create new antibiotics and possibly medicines and cures for things like cancer, but we have to avoid these same organisms being destroyed by our own hand. Scales makes a very clear call to action with specific things people can do in countries that utilize and exploit the deep sea, and in general, this book was interesting, important, and discussed well, although I found myself shockingly wanting less of the organism biology sections that were a bit long, but would be very interesting if people like understanding how these creatures have adapted to places in the ocean in miraculous ways, it just ended up being a bit to queasy for me, especially when discussing the whales ability to hold more oxygen. Good mix of stuff for everyone though. 

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