A review by hollymbryan
Where I Found You by Heidi R. Kling


Where I Found You is a reprint of Heidi’s first novel, Sea, which was published by Penguin in 2010. I’m not sure how much has changed, since I didn’t read it in its original incarnation, but I’m thrilled about the fact that there is going to be a sequel to the story coming out in April 2018. You certainly could read this book and be done with the story, but I have a feeling I’m not alone in clamoring to hear more from Sienna and Deni!

This is a sweet contemporary and a quick, easy read. At the same time, you do learn a lot about Indonesia, particularly after the devastating tsunami that ravaged the country’s Indian Ocean coast in the Aceh province in 2004. (Side note: I was stunned to realize it has been almost exactly 13 years since this event; I remember so vividly seeing it on television, and it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s been 13 years.) Heidi gave us a portrayal of some of the “Aceh orphans” that was compassionate and empathetic without being maudlin or patronizing, which I imagine was no easy feat. Back to what I said about it being an “easy read,” though, I never felt like Heidi was trying to make a point about the Western response to the tsunami or anything like that. She just gives us a straightforward portrayal of people who lost everything in the tragedy and yet persevered. Deni and the other orphans, including his friends Azmi and Sitti, are great characters with whom it’s easy to fall in love.

The end of this book ... phew! I bet I’m not the only one who was a mess as this ended! At the same time, it’s one of those where you feel hopeful even as you are bawling. Like I said, you could comfortably stop at the end of this story and be satisfied that you’ve gotten a full story. But I have no doubt that most of you, like me, will be anxious to get your hands on the sequel come April! I can’t wait to hear more from Deni and Sienna and see the directions their lives have gone. I highly recommend Where I Found You, especially for those who love contemporaries and folks who enjoy reading books located in places other than the United States. I dare you to maintain dry eyes at the end, though!

Rating: 4 stars!

**Thank you to Entangled Teen for the advance copy of this book for purposes of the blog tour. This is my honest and voluntary rating and review. Thanks also to YAReads for including me in the tour.