A review by nixerix
The Killing Fog by Kate Bold


2.5/5 stars rounded up to 3. I felt like I was just going through the motions as I read this. The formula just isn't different enough from one book to another to continuously hold my attention when read so close together. I'm starting to feel bored and numb, but I'm also so close to the end with only one more to go in the series that I keep going.

If not for reading these books for free, I probably would have stopped some time ago. I was pleased when the series deviated a little bit with plot in the previous installment, but it's gone back to just being the same as the others. It's actually everything else going on in this book besides the main plot that are of any interest. The cliffhanger which was actually quite enticing, a possible romance that has been slowly culminating for the last two books and a sub-plot that actually held my attention. Alexa finally losing control was an interesting look into her psyche and further develops her character, which is one of the brightest spots in this series.

The spelling and grammatical errors in here are irritating, since they have been present for the last THREE books which is... so lazy.

Is it fair to rate this based on how it is in comparison to the whole series rather than as if it were a stand alone? Perhaps not, but I feel like this isn't going to leave a lasting impression on anyone who's reading this as a stand alone, and being so late in the series, would be a bit more difficult to dive in to.