A review by marco5599
Heartsick by Chelsea Cain



Another serial killer on the loose and somebody decides it's a good idea to have the investigation lead by a detective (Archie) who narrowly survived a previous serial killer case, hasn't been able to do anything since and is clearly not over the whole thing. 

And that's not all. 

Oh no. This wreck of a guy has to team up with a reporter (Susan) for pr reasons. Yes, pr reasons. A not so experienced journalist by the way, on a case that involves someone who will most likely be front page news in the upcoming weeks or more. Nationwide probably. 

Still not done yet. 
Archie, who swallows more painkillers a day than I suck on mints in a month, is, literally and figuratively, a walking collection of scars. Despite this he still visits Gretchen, the serial killer responsible for his battered body and soul, in jail, on a weekly bases and when his wife told him to stop doing so, because it doesn't exactly help him in any way (duh), he, I kid you not, chose the psycho killer over the mother of his two kids. 

There's more.

There's Susan. She bangs her married boss. She has pink hair and dresses like she's about to interview Metallica, so hey, you can't say she's a bland character either, can you? Same goes for Gretchen. Aptly called the Beauty Killer. Yup, she's female, a hottie, an amateur surgeon slash doctor, connaisseur of FBI profiling and a full-blown psycho who loves to torment her prey. Wouldn't be surprised if she was something of a rocket scientist in her free time as well.

I mean, come on.

Maybe, in some universe, these type of characters can be called complex, fascinating or something like that. But not in mine. In my universe these are simply ridiculous. And this includes their actions. The torture for instance. An attempt to be gruesome so desperate, it becomes laughable. Like so much in this book. All one big joke. Not a sick one, as mentioned somewhere, but a dumb one.


I'm a mint sucking monster. Go figure.