A review by gwenythlove
The Anonymous Source by A.C. Fuller


Not my typical kind of read, but I really enjoyed it. The audiobook version was very well done.

Full review on my blog:

My Thoughts:
I am not typically a mystery/suspense/crime thriller kind of girl, but something about this book's description pulled me in. I do like to push outside of my boundaries now and then, and I find that even easier to do when it's an audiobook and I don't have to "fight" my way through the actual reading of it. I think the 9/11 aspect tied in with conspiracy theories idea is what really intrigued me. And boy was I right to chose this one!

Alex Vane is an interesting character who is fully fleshed out and has a somewhat complicated past. I love how much his food and fitness was part of the story, because it was part of what made him who he was. He reminds me of myself in some small ways, specifically they way of eating, and the way others look at you when you eat that way (healthy foods, lower carbs, etc.) There is also a part in the book where he is having some emotional issues and he all of a sudden starts binging on unhealthier foods. This is very true to character for a person who has gone through the whole dieting aspect and then hit a low and binged. I was very happy with how accurate certain portrayals were.

I also liked the character of Camilla. She was just as complex as Alex, maybe even more so. Both characters had some issues involving their parents, and again, they were very real with how they were portrayed and how they worked through those issues. Even the side characters are very realistic. Everyone has their own story and motives, etc., they are not there just to advance the story.

But the story, oh my the story! It was so interesting and had so many twists and turns, and that ending? Damn! I am just going to say I am intrigued enough to want to carry on with the rest of the story, and since it's available on Audible I might just have to hook that up sooner rather than later!

What to say about the story itself? It was so crazy with the twists and turns, the motivations, the whys... I honestly don't know what to say without giving things away, and this book needs to be experienced. I do have to say it is a little slow at first as it builds up the story (this is why I rated it 4 instead of 5) , but once the action starts going it never stops.

The narrator, Joe Hempel, did an amazing job with this audiobook. His use of different voices for different characters was spot on, and he always was able to emphasize the given emotions needed for each individual scene. I had no trouble listening to his smooth voice for the duration of the almost 10 hour audiobook. On Audible he has over 18 pages of books he has narrated, including all 5 of the Alex Vane series. I look forward to exploring more.

The Pros:
The characters are fully fleshed out and believable, even the side characters. I loved them all!
The story was so full of twists and turns and characters it kept me intrigued right until the end.
The narrator was amazing.

The Cons:
A little too slow in the beginning as things build up.