A review by mystikai
The Well of Wyrding by Travis Simmons


We start The Well of Wyrding where Mirror of the Moon left off. Jovian, Angelica and Joya as still in the search for their sister Amber. I like that this series is not predictable at all and there are plenty of surprises along the way when you think you know what will happen next and it is something totally different.

I am liking the characters even more than I did in the first two books, they are described so well that I have a clear image of each in my head now.

I think this was the scariest of the books so far, it was quite dark but it was again just as good if not better than the previous ones. Travis Simmons writing keeps me hooked, entertained and wanting more!

Another great addition to The Revenant Wyrd Saga and I cannot wait to read the fourth book.