A review by randina
Her Perfect Life by Rebecca Taylor


3.5 stars rounded up. While this book was fairly predictable, I enjoyed it. I especially liked the connection between the sister's life as an author and snippets from her journals/short stories; I thought this could have been better utilized. I was surprised there wasn't even one chapter from the titular "book," - I think that would've been a nice addition.

Major issue I had: I feel like the relationship between Clare and Donna was not developed/wrapped enough. It was unclear to me at times what was happening. The book begins with a scene where Donna writes a bad review of Clare's book, but later it's revealed Clare sent Donna an ARC and she has a blurb on the cover. It's unclear why she would write a poor review then? We see a scene where Clare meets Simon and Donna is angry, but that "jealousy" is never resolved until Donna later tells Eileen and Simon she followed Clare's career. I don't feel we got enough information on this relationship, one that is seemingly so vital to the story.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.