A review by somanybookstoread
Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques by Peggy Huddleston


Useful, to an extent

The imagery was useful, as were many of the overarching concepts. But some of this was wildly outdated and so farfetched that it was a touch delusional. Outdated: I won’t be bringing my iPod into the OR and I don’t think HIPAA will allow me to ask the doctor’s office for the phone numbers of other patients.

Always a critic of style, I found the writing to be painful. Maybe other readers can focus on just the content and get beyond the writing, but it gave me a headache. The text was cyclical, repetitive, and excessively anecdotal. There were so many stories of “success” that it took away from the content and seemed gimmicky.

Really, the ideas are fairly simple. Visualization before and after surgery is helpful. (I downloaded an Audible file with the meditations, and I think they are worth it). We need to determine and ask for what we need when it comes to our care, and protect ourselves psychologically. We are impressionable while under anesthesia and do hear what is being said during surgery.

This could have, should have been just a pamphlet.