A review by hobbitfreddie
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe


I liked the book alright, (I do find myself liking most memoir comics), but it seemed to be a bit lacking in somewhat I can't put my finger on. So apologies if I struggle to get my thoughts on this.

The art's fine, the style's pretty simple, but it's full color. Nothing too mind blowing, just kinda standard memoir style.

I like Mx. Kobabe puts alot of info (very personal too) but everything seems to fast paced. It feels more of a introduction to these topics, or perhaps built for questioning youth. E only really starts talking about eir life with eir embraced genderqueer identity towards the end. Since it is a memoir you can't really critique the actual story but you can critique the presentation and journey.

I do quite love life memoirs in comics and this comic did have that nice youthful vibe mixed with some genderqueer themes at least. And you really do get quite a good view into eir early life. It felt more of a window into someone's life than a constructed thesis. So I guess if you're looking for the former then yeah this is your book. There are some takeways from the comic of course though.

I myself as a gay ace trans boy did find some things that speak to me, but it's more of the stuff I commonly in genderqueer media. Speaking of ace, I do like how Mx. Kobabe included eir asexual identity in the story. I did like that part, and I think it would be a helpful takeway for ace questioning folks.

So yeah I just couldn't get a really good feel on this book, it's more of just a scrapbook or album.