A review by mimireadsromance
Lost and Found by Gina L. Maxwell


I’ve never been a big fan of the Peter Pan story, but could never quite place my finger on the reason why it didn’t sit well with me. That is, until I got the chance to read Pan, by Gina Maxwell. Words cannot convey my absolute delight for this contemporary twist on a classic story. I’ll start by saying that I think the way the author wove familiar characters, locations, and story lines into this modern retelling was a stroke of genius. The details were familiar enough to move the story along at a steady pace, but different enough to deliver a completely fresh take on the lives of the Lost Boys and Wendy Darling.
So what was it that I came to realize? I was NEVER satisfied with the original plot because I’m a romantic at heart and someone needed to get a happily ever after. No worries about that being an issue in this very adult take on the tale. While it’s not everyone’s favorite thing, I loved the back and forth pacing of the story. In the case of a second chance romance such as this, I find that I really enjoy being able to follow along as the character’s recount how they first fell in love. That these memories were shared through both Pan’s and Wendy’s perspectives really helped me to grasp how deeply these two people cared for one another. It was a nice counterpoint to the almost fast and furious relationship they took up as soon as Wendy returned to Neverland. Not that I’m saying there was anything wrong with their current status. No indeed. Pan grew up to be one sexy, confident man and Wendy was the perfect match for him. The blazing chemistry this pair shared darn near set my kindle on fire.
Ultimately, the magic of this story doesn’t come from fairy tales. The magic lies in Pan’s ability to always look forward while caring for those he loved. It comes from Wendy’s ability to look past the grime and see the heart of Pan and his crew of Lost Boys. The magic comes from a cast of characters who, despite their terrible childhoods, manage to maintain an appreciation for what they do have in their lives. They have magic because they have the ability to love one another, to forgive wrongs, and to support each other. More importantly, they have magic because they still hope!

*Review cross posted from my Amazon profile.