A review by lululem
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara


This is a book I will either vividly remember for the rest of my life, or I will block out every memory from my mind to protect myself.

Oh silly me thinking this was just another sad book. This was horrible. It was disturbing. It made me feel sick to my stomach. I literally tossed the tissue box aside, had to use a t-shirt for the amount of tears that were pouring out of my eyes, making me lightheaded. I've definitely overestimated how much I can handle. I like to think of myself as invincible and being able to handle reading anything upsetting. But this was a lot. It's like getting sucked into a black hole. The darkest things you can ever imagine are contained within this book. Reading this is the equivalent to being thrown into a bottomless pit of despair. You've been warned.

If you ever pick this book up and at some point you start to think "wow, this is the worst thing I have ever read," it isn't. Just wait until the next chapter. The next part. Somehow, it gets worse. Trust me.

The writing in this book touched every bit of me. It broke my heart over and over again. The thoughts going through Jude's mind about the way he thought of himself, the people around him, and the things he felt he deserved were not sugarcoated one bit. They were raw, difficult emotions. They were so sad and upsetting and I'm getting choked up just thinking about some of the things he was thinking. It can be pretty triggering. Sometimes you would read a line that was so self-deprecating and you can't help but relate to it and understand the feeling. It gets dark. Lots of emotions were experienced. If you've ever had a negative thought or emotion about yourself (which I'm sure everyone has), it's in this book, but worse. More. Staring at you. So do not read it unless you feel like you can handle that.


Fear and hatred, fear and hatred: often, it seemed that those were the only two qualities he possessed. Fear of everyone else; hatred of himself.

The first 15 years of Jude's life are the hardest. And they haunt him forever. He was such a complex character. We get bits and pieces of his story as the book goes on, but from the very beginning you can't help but love him. He's kind, he's smart, he's an amazing friend, but he's also very private, he has trust issues and a past that he doesn't talk to anyone about. He just can't get himself to say it. He shuts down if anyone tries.
The things Jude went through are atrocious. It's hard to fathom a world where things like that exist, where people like that exist. The hardest parts were reading how everything he went through affected him. That's really what got me. The lifelong impact of the torment he's gone through. There's nothing I can say that will truly depict what he's been through, but it was a lot. I would go back and forth between wanting to take a break and come back in a few days, or to just get it over with to not prolong the pain.
I am still just so proud of his character and all that he is able to accomplish and allow himself to have and experience despite everything telling him it wasn't meant for him. The people he had around him were absolute treasures.


How can you help someone who won't be helped while realizing that if you don't try to help, then you're not being a friend at all?

Willem was Jude's rock. The best friend anyone could have. The most patient, attentive and gentle. He was so special. His love and care for Jude was like no other. Jude couldn't push him away as hard or as much as he tried. I felt so sorry for him because he was always put in such a difficult situation where there was never a "right" choice to make. He goes through a lot in this book. He is a literal hero.

I started off hating JB so much, but I grew to have such a soft spot for him. He was rash, abrasive, and mean, but also had another side to him. The side he never let people see. He was so soft on the inside. He was deep and sentimental and he expressed it with his art that I would literally do anything to go see in a museum.

He was the people pleaser. The indecisive friend. The over planner and over thinker. I wish we got to know him a little bit more in this book. He had such a pure heart. He gave Jude a place to stay, he would always leave his food for his friends, and he was always the first to think about and plan for Jude's future.

Andy pushed Jude more than anyone else in his life did. As his doctor, their relationship gave him that opportunity to see more parts of him, and have that sort of relationship with him. I loved Andy so much. I loved how much he cared about Jude and how hard he tried with him. He was so important. Sometimes he blamed the wrong people because he just didn't know where to project the anger he felt but he also recognized those faults. It was very realistic seeing the way Andy handled the situations with Jude, and my heart goes out to him because he tries his best but he was always getting backed into a corner. I appreciate his character so very much.

The best soul. He was so loving and generous. Everything he did for Jude warmed my heart. He was always there for him. Not a day would go by that Jude wouldn't be on his mind. He is the best dad, I just want to go into the book and tell him that.

This book is the definition of emotional damage. A lot of tough moments, but also some happy ones as well (but barely). This book truly has some of the most horrific, cruel characters and some of the most selfless, wonderful ones that give you some hope.

I wouldn't outright recommend this book to anyone because it's really heavy. But I mean I totally went in blind and was curious so I understand the appeal. If you do decide to read it, look through the trigger warnings (look at me being a hypocrite because I didn't look through them).

I will never be the same again. If anyone actually reads this, I love you