A review by hookandbookclub
The Last Act of Adam Campbell by Andy Jones


I really enjoyed this novel.

It is clear from the title and the opening scenes that this is a book about death... but it is also about life in many ways.

And it’s not just about Adam Campbell - there is a whole cast of characters behind the scenes.

Adam Campbell is no stranger to death, He lost both his parents at a young age. But receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis and facing his own mortality, he is referred to a support group for people living with cancer.
When the group find themselves without their facilitator (no spoilers), not wanting to disband, they decide to put on a show, inspired by the page of Shakespeare quotes they were given on joining the group.

Each of the cast has their own battles to fight, illness related and otherwise, and the connections they make with each other feel real and honest.
The parallels to Shakespeare and theatre are perfect for fans of the stage and the bard, but even if you’re not, you will still enjoy this heartwarming novel.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me access an advance copy of this book in exchange for my feedback.