A review by filipeheath
The Young Widower's Handbook by Tom McAllister


"Forgiveness shouldn’t be expected: it has to be earned"

This novel started off really good and I was excited to see what it would bring me but seemed to become uninteresting once Kait. I was going to DNF this book but decided to push trought to see if something exciting would happen but when Kait died, the story died with her.

The main character Hunter is such a boring character to read about and I couldn’t relate to him in any segment of the book. Since we didn’t have Kait and kept along with Hunter’s life, the book just got unbearable.

I was expecting a cute book about lots of travels and making good memories and instead I followed a flat character for about 300 pages. It focuses alot on love and defiantly was not my type of book.

Thank you Netgalley & Algonquin books for giving me a e-ARC in exchange of a honest review.