A review by biblio_mom
Call Upon Him: 21 Steps To Strengthen Our Trust In Allah by Mizi Wahid


I hope to re-visit this book whenever I need reminders to always believed in God’s graciousness and generosity. He knows what is the best for me, He knows what I don’t, and He definitely always answers my prayers in a way that I unfortunately overlooked.

Reading this while being infected with covid is one of the best experience I can have. A sweet memory even. I can almost heard Ust Mizi’s soothing voice in my head encouraging me to be patient with Allah’s tests and reminding me that there’s going to be a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

Consisting of 21 practical steps on how we can nurture our relationship with Allah through our Du’a, this book also provides summaries at the very end of each chapters that made it easier to be re-visited anytime. We all need constant reminders, but not many of us have much time in hands to read a whole book. So it’s another good reason to get this on your TBR list.