A review by thesapphicphoenix
Finding Normal: Sex, Love, and Taboo in Our Hyperconnected World by Alexa Tsoulis-Reay


When I saw this title I knew I had to request it . As I have grown older I have realized I have a passion for both the taboo and sexual awareness. What I didnt expect was the level of detail that this author took and the passion they clearly have for their writing. I found the book informative and thought provocking. While it did pull me in, I do have to admit that the format of the book threw me for a loop. It seemed like the chapers were a bit to long and the seperation of the book into two parts was a little strange. My overall rating hovers at a 3.75 but since there is no way to rate this title this way I am increasing my starts to 4. I would read from this author again if given the chance since they did such a wonderful job at keeping my attention.