A review by classicadg
Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice


A little too detailed for my taste (I don't need to know what everyone is wearing at all times... and come to think of it, I felt the same way about Larsson's Millenium Trilogy). But this is my first Anne Rice and it wasn't about vampires, so I put up with it. I read the reviews before starting this book and thought that it was pretty silly for people to say that the book was too long. I'm not sure how long Rice's books usually run, but having read +1000 page books, I thought to myself, "You people don't even know what a long book is!" But now that I've read it, I feel like it did take too long for her to tell this story. Yes, I understand the need to stretch it out to show the passage of time, but given that the book takes place over about 4 years, there are other ways to have acheived character growth.