A review by scarlett__r90
Dragon Slayer by Isabella Carter


I was unsure on how to rate this. The book was very good, and the world-building was one of the best I've read for quite a while. I could picture each place clearly in my mind, though I think the descriptions of the locations and personalities of the characters were better than the physical descriptions of the characters. That isn't really important though, to be honest, as it did not detract from the story. Likewise, the lack of explicit sex worked in the book, and I think was absolutely right - describing Ingram and Mallory having sex in detail would've spoiled the characters a bit, I think. I'm not sure what, but I can't help but feel that they wouldn't have 'fit' in the story the way they currently do. So I am very glad for Isabella Carter leaving that out!
The plot is a good one, and is quite complex at parts, especially in the second half of the book - I won't go into more detail lest I spoil it, but there are a considerable number of twists in the story, even if the King's reaction to Ingram's eventual decision on his loyalty was unsurprising.
I was really disappointed that it ended so abruptly, and that no sequel currently exists. I wasn't aware that the story wasn't contained within the one book, so reaching a page entitled 'epilogue' when the story is still only half-way through was a bit of a shock! Still, I enjoy the way a gay romance and a high fantasy world and plot have been fused together, because it's rarely done right or well. The way same-sex couplings were thought of and contained within Carter's world seemed natural and unforced; especially as so many struggle to get this on point too.
Basically, I recommend anyone who enjoys both high fantasies and MM romance to read this, I really do, but they should be aware that the story is not finished, and no sequel seems to have been announced yet. I shall keep an eye out for it though, and certainly read it when it is published.