A review by shrikebait
Monomania by Elton Skelter


I liked Monomania, but it didn't catch my attention the same way as Skelter's other work.

In terms of plot, Monomania is a pretty straightforward slasher. The first half of the book is spent getting to know the characters' histories and personalities. From the first few pages, I was excited to see the casual queer representation that I've come to expect from this author. I'm also a fan of the interspersed police reports for exposition.

In the latter half of the book, the splatterpunk roots shine through with gory kills that had me wincing! I was hoping more of the exposited details would pay off once things escalated. In that same vein, I would have liked more foreshadowing to really sell the big reveal.

Thank you to Elton Skelter for the chance to check this book out for free ahead of publication. I'm leaving this review of my own accord.