A review by carsonelainee
Worst Wingman Ever by Abby Jimenez


I feel like Worst Wingman Ever really speaks to Abby Jimenez's writing ability. The fact that she was able to make me care so deeply for two characters within 60 pages is an astounding feat. I was sobbing by the end of this novella (which seems to be Abby's MO).

The concept for this meet-cute romance was inspired. Having the two characters exchange letters without knowing each other was the best. I love a good epistolary romance and Abby did it so well.

This novella specifically tugged on my heart strings because of the hospice/grief/family death plotline. I recently had a death in my family and the family member was on hospice in the end. It hit very close to home in a way no other piece of media has since their death. It was beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. I can 100% see myself rereading this novella in the future.