A review by purple676
Cash Plays by Cordelia Kingsbridge


This book is even better than the previous ones. I read the reviews before starting and I was honestly scared and with good reason but holy shit it was GOOD.

My emotion are also a mess but I’ll deal somehow. I love the relationship between Dom and Levi and that hot scene in the alley was one the best shit I’ve ever read❤️. but Dom needs to get his shit together. IM so worried about both of them

I kinda like Stanton too even tho no one really talks about him. he was a dick sometimes but he’s alright.

Not sure how I feel about Rohan. low key like sawyer i guess.

And don’t get me started on this awesome serial killer. like Seven of Spades is LEGIT.
I love the fact that they kill with good reason and to make the world a better place. it makes them easier to like and even sympathize with. Seven of Spades is just so intriguing.

And I LOVE their twisted relationship with Levi. I kinda reminds me of Hannibal and Will.

This author knows how to write awesome crime novels with beautiful queer characters❤️