A review by winterreader40
To Marry a Scottish Laird by Lynsay Sands


This was a fun case of man saves boy, boy saves man, man finds out boy is girl and then they can't stop joining naughty bits.
Healer Joan is on a deathbed quest for her mother, dressed as a boy because it's safer, when she's set upon by thieves trying to take her medicines and the scroll she's to deliver to Lady MacKay from her mother. Luckily Cam happens upon the scene as she's being pummeled into the ground and stops her attacker, not realizing there are more he is stabbed in the back, between the 2 of them Joan and Cam stop the thieves. She stitches him up stays with him through his fever for 3 days, as a thank you Cam offers to escort Jo to the MacKay's since they are his neighbors.
The journey leads to the gender discovery, and a couple of days later the sexy times. I did think the first time was aggressive and not exactly consensual, she doesn't say no but she doesn't say yes and he doesn't ask either.
The side characters are fun, I need to track down book 1 for this series now as well to read Annabel's story. There is a murder mystery element because....Lynsay Sands :)