A review by 5hadow_girl
I was Jack The Ripper (Part One): A Serialised novel based on the Whitechapel Murders by Michael Bray


It’s been five years since the grisly events in Whitechapel, and the man believed responsible for the crimes, Jack the Ripper, has yet to be captured. Charles Hapgood is writing a book about the murders, and has agreed to meet with someone who has information on the case. Everything about this meeting is unusual, so when the writer invited the stranger into his home at 9:00 p.m., he is already on edge.The man introduces himself as Mr. Miller, and begins to tell Hapgood that he would like to hire him to write his memoirs. Ignoring Hapgood’s obvious irritation, and his many requests to leave, Miller finally brings the conversation back around to the murders, and Annie Chapman. He produces a piece of evidence, unknown to everyone but the investigators, and Charles Hapgood finally understands.
The man sitting in front of him is Jack the Ripper, and he has a story to tell.

We’ve heard the theories, seen the movies, and researched the case online for ourselves. We KNOW this story. Right?
Michael Bray takes us deeper, and gives us a voyeuristic introspective of the MAKING of the Ripper.

(I can’t wait until May 19th! I’m totally invested in this story, and I can’t wait for more!!)