A review by karteabooks
We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman


 I was lucky enough to receive a proof copy of this from the lovely @alisonisreading at @doubledayukbooks. 

For anyone who's ever lost a friend or had one. Get ready to laugh through your tears. 

This is a deeply moving and poignant story of a beautiful friendship between 2 women. Edi is suffering and is given the news that no one is prepared to hear and there in lies the premise of the book and we are taking on Edi and Ashley’s journey until the inevitable happens. 

The book is told from Ashley’s point of view and at times it is not an easy read, but despite this you find yourself wanting to read more to see what adventures and requests Edi has in her last few eventful days in the hospice. 

This is a bittersweet book, because even though you know the outcome from the very first page, the author manages to make the book a thoughtful and considered book about the process of death and bereavement. The irony of Ashley’s reawakening as Edi’s life ebbed away was a nice touch too. 

Highly recommend, I would just check the trigger warnings for this book if they might affect you.