A review by bookmarked642
Justice League of America Vol. 1: The Extremists by Steve Orlando


I finished this last year (it feels so odd to saort one as I want to get a headstart on this year's reading challenge and have a healthy TBR pile beside me...

I must say the the Justice League comics aren't my favourite. I'm sure you've noticed that I'm far more attracted to Suicide Squad and Batman and Batgirl comics. Although it is nice to see all these characters together - especially with former villains such as [Killer] Frost on the League - I wasn't particularly wowed by this volume. The most interesting part, I found, was the development in Frost's personal story and the possible discovery of a "cure" for her condition.

The plot of Extremists is Lord Havok and his gang - the aptly named Extremists - coming to Earth to create 'peace'. As is often the case, his vision of peace is more like complete control and dominance over the world, which the JLA aren't going to let happen very easily. So the battle begins, while Havok goes around taking countries under his control, starting with Kravia.

The plot isn't bad and there isn't really anything wrong with this book, but it just didn't feel all that exciting or special. 3 stars.