A review by bookish_brain1
The Collective by Alison Gaylin


The book where "no killer goes unpunished".... yikes. I am not sure I know how to review this book. The scary places grief can take you, especially on the internet...the dark web. This book is about a collective of women who are united by a common goal - justice for the death of a child. It's a book about secrets, murder and the dangers of hive mind thinking and what happens when those thoughts lead to actions. Turns out murder is complicated. And there is a tragic ending. Tragic, but fitting. This book was dark. It's not a mystery really or a thriller but also it's both those things. Again, hard to describe. Victim stories are often left untold or they are told from the perspective of the perpetrators, so perhaps twisted and biased. The truth is complicated, not black and white, but a million shades of grey.