A review by thefinalgirl
The Marsh King's Daughter by Karen Dionne


(3.5 stars)

What an intense story! It was both hard to put down and hard to pick up.

I enjoyed and hated this story. When I was reading, I could NOT put it down. I had to know what came next. However, when I did end up putting it down, I had to beg myself to pick it back up to finish it.

The way Helena told an anecdote for EVERY LITTLE THING made me very irritated. I get it, we need to know what it was like as a kid growing up in the marsh to know how she is tracking her dad, but come on… do we really need a 5 page explanation for why you know how to shoot a gun? This alone made me want to DNF.

This book was 10% her tracking her dad and 90% back story that came up sometimes twice in the same chapter.