A review by captwinghead
Green Lantern/Green Arrow #86 by Denny O'Neil


2.5 stars.

A little bit better but not by much.

I get that toxic masculinity is a thing and superheroes in the 70s weren't always heroic. That being said... this issue was still a major bummer. Oliver Queen is a complete asshole.

This issue starts with him punching Roy for being an addict. Complete with the good old "you're a man, you should be stronger" bullshit. Roy asks him to hit him again if it'll make him feel better. He also calls Ollie out for being self-righteous, which I appreciated. Ollie kicks him out or Roy just leaves, I'm not sure.

Anyway, Hal goes looking for Roy and is confused because Roy was pale and jittery but he can't figure out why. Was this series full of Ollie and Hal being outsleuthed by Steve form Blue's Clues because dear god, the two of them are really slow on the uptake here. He finds Roy in an alley in Chinatown and takes him to Dinah. Were they close? I hope so. I hope Hal didn't just bring Roy there because Dinah's a woman.

He goes through withdrawal in like a day or a couple of weeks. I'm not really sure how much time passed. There's no telling if Dinah felt the same way Ollie did about drug addicts but she cares for him because, and I quote, "a woman's pity". If by that, O'Neil means we're fucking human beings with actual empathy, I will take it.

Speedy confronts Ollie as the asian guy's funeral. By the way, fuck Ollie for attending because he did nothing but belittle and demean this guy when he was alive. Also, again, I've never used heroin but, if you shoot heroin that's too pure, do you die instantaneously? Because that's what happened to this guy.

Speedy gives Ollie a tirade about how drugs are the symptom to a multitude of issues and I can't quite tell if it sinks in with Ollie but I'm at least glad it was said. It's important to get that understanding out there, even if it's couched in a bunch of our would be hero, Green Arrow, punching a lot of drug addicts, belittling them, condescending to them and being unwilling to see his part in Roy's condition.

Addiction isn't about just escaping. It isn't an easy way out. There are several stressors that lead people to using substances and there are even some genetic aspects that make people more predispositioned to do them. Acting like they just wanted to take the easy way out shows little to no understanding or sympathy for the stressors that cause people to do drugs. More sympathy was shown for Tony Stark when he hit rock bottom with his alcoholism.