A review by justkeyreads
Dark Horses by Cecily Von Ziegesar


Here's my video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YJWPvsXVIY

The Why: Like people, animals have an attachment, something that's untouchable to others. It was written in a way that you could clearly distinguish the bond between Merritt and Red.

Merritt self destructed after her grandmother died and is sent to a equestrian therapy program. There she learns everyone is paired up with a rescue horse and she has the grand privilege of riding him. Merritt needed to heal and with the help of Red she did. Riding horses was something she avoided, because of her grandmother, but a great bond grew between her and Red.

Merritt didn't realize how strong of an attachment Red had to her. He wouldn't cooperate with no one else other than Merritt. This really showcases the deep bond that animals have with people. I just didn't realize Cecily would take the personality of this horse that way and On was pleasantly surprised.

Final Thoughts:
It was an enjoyable book that helped me learn about more the bond between riders and their horses. Overall, this was a beautiful book.