A review by honniker
The Elf Queen of Shannara by Terry Brooks


While this was better than [b:The Wishsong of Shannara|15567|The Wishsong of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy, #3)|Terry Brooks|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1328325115s/15567.jpg|1352033], it wasn't that great. In fact out of this quartet, it's the weakest so far. (Although [b:The Druid of Shannara|15568|The Druid of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara, #2)|Terry Brooks|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1390260857s/15568.jpg|34897] was really intense so it's hard to follow that with something good.) Wren is kind of like Brin Ohmsford 2.0. Though she is less useless so that's good. (Less pages of her wondering if she should use magic or not thank goodness.)

This story just didn't have the build up that the previous two did.
There was a lot of death, but it didn't affect me that much because I felt like I didn't really have a chance to get connected to the characters. Even Garth's death was kind of like "oh that's nice, no biggie."
I mean stuff happens but I never really felt the same sense of danger that I did with previous installments.

Despite the disappointment of this book, I am excited to see how everything concludes in the last one.