A review by jenmat1197
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken



Al Franken takes a look at the political right during the time of George Bush's presidency.  He takes a group of 14 Harvard students and combs through political speeches and news stories - mostly from Fox News - looking for contradictions and then calling those politicians and talking heads on it.  

This was an okay book.  I did not find it particularly funny, and at times it got a bit dull.  I have read funnier and more informational books from left wing comedians.  I appreciate that he did use Harvard students to get his research, and I wonder what book he would write now (this one was from 2003).  I cannot imagine if he was told in 2003 - "wait until you see what is coming" he would even believe it.