A review by nirbhay
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz


The book throws light on the thinking process, our attitudes and behaviours, in terms of how to lead a superb life and professional success. It consists various topics, such as thinking, creativity, ideas, health, friendship and so forth.
The author suggest that our thinking and belief play a big part in our success and achievements. He says, "Belief, strong belief triggers the mind to figure ways and means and how-to."
Also, he introduces a term called, Excusitis. By which he means, A disease to hide behind your excuese. Interestingly if we pay attention then we see that it's very common in people.
For relationships, he says, "Add values to people, use positive language and give genuine compliments." And many more things.
One thing I specially liked about the book is that not only he talks about thinking but he clearly states that only positive thinking is not enough. In order to achieve success and respect, we have to act. He says actions decides what we get in life.
Although, few times (only few times) I saw the repetitiveness of the topics. But what makes this book special is that it has hundreds of practical ideas to make your life amazing and they are really applicable. There is so many lessons that I've highlighted on every page and my notepad was filled.
Overall I really liked this book, and I believe It's one of my favourite reads of 2020. So I suggest everyone to read this book at least once.