A review by drey72
Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen


Tall, Dark and Fangsome is a book I jumped at when it was offered, mostly because I'd seen Michelle Rowen's Stakes and Stilettos floating 'round the blogs earlier this year... I mean, how do you not want to read a book called Stakes and Stilettos? Especially if you like shoes... And vampire books... *grin*

I liked Sarah. She's funny. Compassionate. Did I mention funny? But how oh how could she have feelings for Gideon?? I mean, the dude's a nutjob. Gideon aside, there were a few other things that put this firmly on the border of "ok" and "like" for me, instead of firmly in the "like" category. Like the Red Devil. Wait till you find out who it is. Like that wasn't a bat-signal in the sky (sorry, the Mr. is playing Batman: Arkham Asylum right now--really cool graphics, but that's so beside the point here...).

So, where was I? Oh yeah. Beside the Red Devil, there was the teenage dude aka The Darkness, who was supposed to eradicate Sarah's nightwalker curse. And the vamp who is Sarah's ex-boyfriend's wife--which makes (er, made?) Sarah the other woman. In a nutshell, a cast of characters who are either a little ridiculous, or make Sarah seem to need a therapist's couch.

The story itself is entertaining, if you can get over (or don't have) my hang-ups. It's light enough to read in one sitting, and what better thing to do indoors, now that the weather's way colder (we had frost last night. FROST.), other than read? Give it a try yourself & let me know what you think.