A review by wokeupbricked
Beach Read by Emily Henry


Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome y'all to the
Beach Read suicidal cult (Gus's favourite)-

~Take a shot everytime the book mentions their eyes meeting, their knees grazing and heat pooling between January's legs.
~Take a shot everytime the books mentions Augustus's crooked smile, evil sexy look and an x-ray gaze.
~Take a shot everytime I rolled my eyes on how cliché the plot was.
~Take a shot everytime their past underwhelmed me.
~Take a shot everytime Emily Henry tried shoving their platonic chemistry down our throats with a very cheap mediocre writing.

Yeah, you'll be dead within the first challenge.

The development of Emily Henry from Beach Read to People We Met On Vacation is crazy. I absolutely adored pwmov, gobbled up every single moment of that book and yearned for an Alex Nilson in my life for days. Did this book give me the same butterflies? No.

It's an okay read. Quite enjoyable at rarest of times, but this was just... not it. It didn't make my heart flutter the way I thought it would. The past wasn't all that idk why I was still underwhelmed. And January can be quite annoying at times. The only thing I remember of Augustus Everett is his "devil look" and "crooked smile" which pools heat between January's thighs at the most awkward and absurd times.

There were several off putting things in the book:-

• Wasn't this supposed to be an enemies-to-lovers trope? The premise promised me that, and the book failed to deliver it right from the first page.

• I'm convinced Emily Henry didn't plan any character or personality for our poor Augustus Everett. Heck, even his physical features were described terribly coated with super mediocre writing. The author's vocabulary was limited to "evil sexy look", "crooked smile" and his eyes doing the "sexy intimidating x-ray thing." Yikes!

• Their chemistry is worse than that of a biologist. They had the most awkward, painstaking, stagnant platonic conversations, each of them ending up getting January horny and me giving a bombastic blank stare to the book. Perhaps the only way Emily Henry could think of building up their chemistry was Gus glancing/darting/shooting his eyes to her and then back to the road; their knees grazing each other everywhere they go. Sometimes they even stare like madmen for no particular reason.

Make smart life choices and watch Taylor Swift's "you belong with me" music video rather than reading this book.

I probably might have given it one more star had I not read People we met on vacation first. But no way in hell can Jan and Gus be compared to the iconic Alex and Poppy; their chemistry is off the charts.